Item set up

The inventory module of SD2 tracks the movement of items such as sales, on hand number, receiving and production. It enables the manager of the store to plan the ordering, control the cost and prevent theft. To make the inventory module works properly, the user has to do receiving and count inventory. The user is suggested to begin tracking inventory of a few items to get familiar with functions of inventory.

The item should have ‘track inventory’ turned on and a supplier in the supplier tab

The supplier tab manages the supplier information of this item. Click new button to add one.

The supplier name can be selected from the drop down list. You can also click new to add a new supplier.

In the supplier information window, fill in the name and other optional information.

Click ok to go back to the previous window. The size of the item is number of individual items in a case. For example, if a case of wine has 24 bottles when it is received from the supplier, the size is 24. A tax code can also be added if the supplier charges tax on this item.

Tag: inventory, item inventory set up, supplier