Inventory count

Inventory count is the process to count the number of items in store and post the number into SD2. It will replace the on hand number of items. It is in back office -> items -> inventory -> inventory count.

To begin a new count, click the start count button.

In the inventory count window, you can scan the barcode of items to add items.

In the pop up window, enter the count of that item. Or you can click the lookup button to browse the item list to add an item.

After counting, click exit button to return to the previous window (Figure 86).

The counting number will show here. Click end count button to end it.

Then click post button to save the numbers into SD2. In the next window, the comparison of on hand number and count number is shown. The variant is the difference between them. Click process button to finish the counting. After this, the count number will replace the on hand number.

Tag: inventory count